Sunday, November 21, 2010

Information to know when visiting Lucknow

For all you lovely people coming to the wedding.. There is some information you should have a look at:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

India Risen

It is not just a dream anymore, but a fact. India has risen to the levels where America needs India for its support, for information and for technology. We are not only an economic superpower, but chief innovators of the 21st century.

I was going through Barack Obama's speech today at

I heard stuff like Martin Luther King, Mahatama Gandhi, the power of zero. As we used to say as kids, the Americans are trying to boost our Ego to get stuff done. We are not still happy with the increase in prices of visas for IT people. It is a bad move and the United States of America will be held responsible for their jobs by many Indians. It is the unsaid story of our guys. The President of India may or may not be moved too much by the increase in prices, but we for sure are.

Also, we will not let America dominate and do what it feels like again. We have fire in our hearts and blood to kill people who taste it!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life is not fair, but who wants it to be!

Well as we all say, life is not fair. It shows us stuff at times that is plain out of the world. And at other times, things we know and what have been really scared of.

We must learn to accept the things we have been scared of and justify to ourselves if what we are doing feels right at a basic level, before doing it.

If it does feel right, then we are to be bold enough to support our decision, keeping in mind that we must learn and unlearn new things on the road to reaching our goal.

Dont let learning or unlearning sway you away from the goal, as that is what will drive home the happiness and joy you want actually.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


The Mayans say that 2012 is a point of evolution, not destruction.

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

2012? end of days??

What is the year 2012? Is it the year of revelation/end of days/renissance? What have the world leaders feared most? Why is this year part of all spiritual scriptures? Is it time for all to say kum-bie-yah and brace for the inevitable? Let's try and answer some of that.

Do you remember the end of world war II? What was the outcome?

Its simple - While the United Nations was established to foster international cooperation and prevent future conflicts, the Soviet Union and the United States emerged as two rival superpowers. Ref.

What has America done to mantain its dominance? What were the challanges it faced?

America has been a nation that dominated the world war II by sheer force. Force comes at a highly expensive cost - technology, infrastructure, communication, advanced weaponry, defence trainings, assault missions, etc.

How has it funded these operations in the past?

The wealth America obtained was basically by pushing one country against the other - always. Taking someone's side, biasing the policies and decisions of the UNO, getting financial aid, using it to develop methods to be ahead of the race. America used to manufacture the highest number of millitary supplies to the rest of the world - just to keep them protected! This in turn generated huge funds which America could play with. The dominance America maintained over the nations showed right from the way the American president shook hands with the British Queen after the world war, to the way America charged over Iraq. Terrorism has been always led by american ideas at some point. People watced war moviews and read novels to understand the tactics people used to gain supremacy in the world war and the American ways of survival.

What was the move that America made wrongly?

America started depleting in resources and then saw that there was cheap labour available in the world. India and China provided a workforce that was much more economical compared to their own workforce. They resorted to means such as improving technology and trying to sell technology to the world, and trying really hard to be the superpower in that domain, and capture the markets again. They were able to withhold their technical stronghold but with rising deficit in the world markets.

It is this factor that pushed them to either decline their dominance or get more money somehow. The money markets transferred towards Europe because Russia was no longer a unified country. It was no more USSR but many Russian countries with seperate policies and seperate leaders with no unified government capable of taking over power. Meanwhile, the prices for the prishable natural resource - oil had gone up worldwide to above a staggering 130 dollars, ref., the highest in known man history. This propelled the president of the United States to attack the biggest natural oil resource known and take dominance of the oil resources on the pretext of removing terrorism from that land. It attacked Iraq by force in an act of sheer dominance and heartless killings being only greedy for the money due to the oil it will gain after. That led to unrest among the entire world thinking that if America could order a strike on Iraq, then any nation in the world could be next. People started moving against the Americans - Indians struck first blood in 2005 by starting a movement to actually take over the american dominance. Ref.

What is the most possible outcome? Most possibly 2012 is the date when the world markets will collapse, bringing about a new world order and ruling central currency. It is not the end of days for sure.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Check out Save Our Tigers | Join the Roar

Title: Save Our Tigers | Join the Roar